You’re Going To Be A Better Mom…

September 16 2018

I went to PEI National park and walked around the ocean floor and on the incredible red rocks that had been shaped by the beating of the ocean waves over the years. High tide and low tide is something I wish everyone could experience; what a cool phenomenon! I listened to the wind and waves, as they kissed these incredibly beautiful red rocks. It was like intruding on an intimate private moment….except I got to be part and witness the sight in silence. I got down and sat on one of these rocks and took more photographs.

A friend of mine recommended to go to Canoe Cove in Argyle Provincial Park during low tide- it’s incredible to see the crabs and starfish that “remain behind” when the tide goes out. I never realized how many provincial parks would be here!

I swear, Southern Ontario is going to be a lot more drab after this!

I am looking forward to going home but not back to regular life. I miss the kids but not gut-wrenching painful missing. I hope it’s because I know they’re being taken care of and not because I’m some crappy parent who could abandon them. When I see people mss their kids after one day, I think “omg what’s wrong with me?” Then I shake my head and tell myself NOTHING is wrong with you! You are doing this for you but also for them! You’re going to be a better mom because of this.


I wish I had freckles


Anne of Green Gables…my childhood dream