What Have You Learned So Far?

September 13 2017

Highland Provincial Park, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

I sat on the beach at Ingonish and it was awesome. There was this adorable dog named Banana who was playing fetch so I played with her and took photographs with her, and I with my remote. Her owners were from Saskatchewan so I gave the my business card and told them to email me and I’d send them the photographs.

I’ve been gone for 10 days now and I can feel my soul is ending her NEED for this trip…she’s got and getting what she needed. My cousin Paul used me what I”ve learned so far and my reply was this:

To listen to my heart. That even when I don’t think I am a good person, I am. And me, actual me, doesn’t need to apologize for being me. I swear. I like to talk too much. I love whole. I wear my heart on my sleeve and even fear of being hurt shouldn’t stop that. Not to change just because I don’t fit in with someone else’s idea of what the perfect woman is….for someone, I’m perfect. And I deserve love for me, not who I think they want me to be, but for ME.
Oh, and I’m still funny AF.


I Want Happiness For My Ex


A good opportunity or more than you need?